2. 更新程序 financial_product_report.c
3. 数据库添加 字段
select * from lccpmx;
alter table lccpmx add jyqd CHAR(64);update lccpmx set jyqd='柜面渠道' ; alter table lccpmx modify (jyqd CHAR(64) not null);找出 qybh 在 如下 sql 的ID 进行 更新为
select c.* from tran_jrnl t,account_contract a,contract c,financial_product_contract f,financial_product p where
c.CONTRACT_TYPE_CODE ='FINANCIAL_PRODUCT_CONTRACT' and c.STATUS!='撤销' and c.STATUS!='解除'and f.product_id=p.id and p.STATUS='开始投资' and f.id=c.idand t.CHANNEL_ID=15 and c.id=a.contract_id and a.JRNL_ID=t.id;select * from lccpmx where jyqd='网银渠道';
update lccpmx set jyqd='网银渠道' where qybh in (444180,444181,444186) ;